Star Wars X Wing Trilogy
LucasArts Entertainment has announced the Star Wars: X-Wing Trilogy, a compilation of three popular space combat games from the last five years. The bundle features X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and last.
There are lots of list you can look at. But Start with a red starter set (of course.) Then pick up maybe an X-wing booster (give more pilots for the X-wing than come in the starter set) and a TIE fighter booster (same reason, plus TIEs work best in large groups).After that there are a lot of ships you can look at. The Millennium Falcon is a great ship so you will probably want that. The Slave 1 is only so-so for the Empire but is recognizable. The Lambda shuttle can be a decent ship, but feels a little out of place in a dogfight.
The TIE interceptors are very good ships and a lot of fun to fly. It is worth getting the Imperial Aces pack if you want to use Interceptors, but the Aces pack has them painted red, so if you really want to keep it looking O.T. Get 2 singlesStarter set $45X-Wing $15TIE Fighter $15Falcon $302 Interceptors $30$145 Totalkeep in mind this is all retail price. You could probably get it for around $100 on CSI or MM.Also, since I assume you are playing casual, use a squad builder or look up the upgrades you don't get with those sets.
Star Wars Original Trilogy Collection X-wing Fighter
You can just proxy in those upgrades for play. The other O.T.
Ships can be fun too. A-Wings, Y-Wings, TIE Advance, TIE bomber. As you want to try out new options and play styles you can pick up other ships over time. ARC-170 was featured a lot in Clone Wars show. The Z-95 was also Clone Wars era that operated past that timeframe.Imperial Raider was created specifically for X-Wing so it's not true canon, though it is Galactic Civil War era.The TIE Punisher is similar as well though it was in some of the books.Most of the scum ships are GCW as well though some have shown up in Rebels (Protectorate Starfighter) or Clone Wars (Hound's Tooth).A few came from Star Wars: Galaxies (Decimator, M3-A Syck)The YT-2400 was added to the original series in the re-release as a 'background element' and was also in Rebels.
Anything that is GCW era but wasn't specifically in a show or movie I consider Legends. But I'm hardly an authority I am only about 2/3 through Rebels, so I add things as I see them there. The last few waves all seem to be Rebels, so at least most of the ships are canon again. For a while it was a lot of ships from books and games.I never got through Clone Wars.
Star Wars X-wing Pc Game
Something about that show made it tedious to watch for me. But as FFG said that they wouldn't have ships from the prequel era (which includes Clone Wars) I figured that not history I need to know about.
I did mention the ARC-170 was a prequel ship that was retrofitted for the Rebels/OT era. I placed my order last night. Based on the insight provided, I ordered one original core set, an extra set of dice, one x-wing, one millennium falcon, one slave 1 and two tie interceptors. The breakdown:Rebels2 X-Wings1 Millennium FalconImperial2 Tie Fighters2 Tie Interceptors1 Slave 1Based on the squad builder it seemed that these opposing forces could be fairly balanced. Since I only went with one core set, other than the extra dice, do I need anything else to start playing once my shipment arrives?Thanks. All the main components come in the core set and the extra ships include all the tokens needed for that ship. It is generally nice to have a second core set at some point as each player having their own movement templates, and damage deck (along with more dice) can speed things up a bit, but you don't need them.
Tournament rules require each player to have separate damage decks, so some people may tell you each player must have a separate damage deck (in fact the current tournament rules require that deck be from the force awakens core set) but it definitely isn't needed for casual play.Your ship selection should give you some nice variety. You should easily be able to make a few variations of 100 point squads. You will also have the bulk of the big name heroes of the trilogy. In the future, if/when you want to add to your collection look into A, B, or Y wings next as your rebels only have X wings and the Falcon. A lot of fun to fly, but you may find the Rebels start to feel very 'samey' because all X-wings have the same maneuvers any your squads will always be the Falcon and 1 or 2 X-wings. A single different Rebel ship can change the entire dynamic of a squad. You could also consider getting a TIE Advanced so you can get Vader into the mix.