Tcontoh Lembar Jawaban Tes Toefl
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) adalah ujian kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang diperlukan untuk mendaftar masuk ke universitas di Amerika Serikat atau negara-negara lain di dunia. Ujian ini sangat diperlukan untuk mereka yang bahasa ibunya bukan bahasa Inggris. Jenis tes bahasa Inggris TOEFL ini pada umumnya diperlukan untuk persyaratan masuk kuliah pada hampir semua universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada baik untuk program S 1 maupun S 2 terlebih S 3. Hasil tes TOEFL ini juga digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan mengenai kemampuan bahasa Inggris dari calon mahasiswa yang mendaftar ke universitas di negara lain, termasuk universitas di Eropa dan Australia.Latihan soal tes TOEFL online gratis ini berjumlah 20 soal. Setiap soal bernilai 5 poin dengan alokasi waktu 20 menit dalam setiap sesinya. Peserta juga bisa memulai tes lagi dengan mengklik tombol Ulangi Tes yang akan muncul setelah satu sesi soal terselesaikan. Ada 100 soal yang tersedia dalam database dan akan diambil secara acak sehingga jika peserta mengulangi tes akan mendapatkan soal yang berbeda.Nilai akan muncul setelah kamu mengklik tombol Selesai.
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TOEFL Written Expression ITP Pembahasan 3 Q16-40 Indonesia. 'TOEFL Written Expression ITP Pembahasan 6 Q24-31 Indonesia'. Cara Menjawab Tes Toefl Soal Tes TOEFL Reading Dengan Cepat dan.
Click the audio below to listen to the text. It would be very helpful if you read the text while listening to it.
It can practice your listening and your pronunciation (speaking). You may download the audio by using Internet Download Manager (IDM)Whereas literature in the first half of the eighteenth century in America had been largely religious and moral in tone, by the latter half of the century the revolutionary fervor that was coming to life in the colonies began to be reflected in the literature of the time, which in turn served to further influence the population.
Although not all writers of this period supported the Revolution, the two best-known and most influential writers, Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine, were both strongly supportive of that cause.Ben Franklin first attained popular success through his writings in his brother's newspaper, the New England Current. In these articles he used a simple style of language and common sense argumentation to defend the point of view of the farmer and the Leather Apron man.
He continued with the same common sense practicality and appeal to the common man with his work on Poor Richard's Almanac from 1733 until 1758. Firmly established in his popular acceptance by the people, Franklin wrote a variety of extremely effective articles and pamphlets about the colonist's revolutionary cause against England.Thomas Paine was an Englishman working as a magazine editor in Philadelphia at the time of the Revolution. His pamphlet Common Sense, which appeared in 1776, was a force in encouraging the colonists to declare their independence from England. Then throughout the long and desperate war years he published a series of Crisis papers (from 1776 until 1783) to encourage the colonists to continue on with the struggle. The effectiveness of his writing was probably due to his emotional yet oversimplified depiction of the cause of the colonists against England as a classic struggle of good and evil.1.
The paragraph preceding this passage most likely discussesa. How literature influence the populationb. Religious and moral literaturec.
Literature supporting the cause of the American Revolutiond. What made Thomas Paine's literature successful2. The word 'fervor' in line 2 is closest in meaning toa. The word 'time' in line 3 could best be replaced bya. It is implied in the passage thata. Some writers in the American colonies supported England during the Revolutionb. Franklin and Paine were the only writers to influence the Revolutionc.
Because Thomas Paine was an Englishman, he supported England against the coloniesd. Authors who supported England did not remain in the colonies during the Revolution5. The pronoun 'he' in line 8 refers toa. Thomas Paineb. Ben Franklinc. Ben Franklin's brotherd.
Poor Richard6. The expression 'point of view' in line 9 could best be replaced bya. According to the passage, the tone of Poor Richard's Almanac isa. The word 'desperate' in line 16 could best be replaced bya. Where in the passage does the author describe Thomas Paine's style of writing?a.
Lines 14-15d. Lines 18-2010. The purpose of the passage is toa.
Tcontoh Lembar Jawaban Tes Toefl 3
Discuss American literature in the first half of the eighteen centuryb. Give biographical data on two American writersc. Explain which authors supported the Revolutiond. Describe the literary influence during revolutionary AmericaFOR ANSWER KEY CLICK.Vocabulary List:. fervor kb. Kegairahan, semangat. reflect kkt.
1 menggambarkan, membayangkan, mencerminkan (an opinion). 2 mewakili (o's feeling). 3 memantulkan (heat). 2 memikirkan (a matter). 3 merendahkan, mengurangi arti. attain kkt.
He's attained the age of 70 Ia telah mencapai usia 70 tahun. He finally attained to a very high position Akhirnya ia mencapai kedudukan yang sangat tinggi. appeal kb. 2 permohonan (dari hati ke hati). 3 banding, apel, pertimbangan.
4 daya penarik. A case naik banding (dalam suatu perkara.). 1 menarik 2 memohon kepada (dari hati ke h.
Tcontoh Lembar Jawaban Tes Toefl 1
firmly dengan kuat. desperate ks.
1 yang sangat menyedihkan. Melakukan yang tidak-tidak.desperately kk.