Concantenate Records In Dfsort
- Concantenate Records In Dfsort 1
- Concantenate Records In Dfsort Excel
- Concantenate Records In Dfsort Texas
Concantenate Records In Dfsort 1
SORT JCL to Split data using OUTFIL. The following sort card will sort split the input file into two files. First file will have records which have 'AB' at 266th position. Second file will have records which have 'AC' at 266th position. SORT FIELDS=COPY. OUTFIL FILES=01, INCLUDE=(266,2,CH,EQ,C'AB').
Concantenate Records In Dfsort Excel
In the below sample query, I’ve concatenated multiple rows of the column “CountryName” to a single string and added a comma between the country names. Then using a substring function, I’m removing the leading comma.Select CountryName from Application.Countries;Select SUBSTRING((SELECT ',' + CountryName AS 'data'FROM Application.Countries FOR XML PATH(')), 2, 9999) As CountriesNOTE: If you notice the result produced by this method, there is a space added after every country name. This is because of the path specified as column name is “data”. Once the path specified as data, the value is treated as an atomic value and a space char is added to the XML.If you don’t need the trailing space and just want a comma along as a separator, then remove the “data” part. An example query without data part is below.SELECT Countries = STUFF((SELECT ',' + CountryNameFROM Application.CountriesFOR XML PATH(')), 1, 1, ')2.
Concantenate Records In Dfsort Texas
Concatenate Rows Using COALESCEYou can concatenate rows into single string using COALESCE method. This COALESCE method can be used in SQL Server version 2008 and higher. All you have to do is, declare a varchar variable and inside the coalesce, concat the variable with comma and the column, then assign the COALESCE to the variable.In this method, you don’t need to worry about the trailing comma.
You may need a stored procedure or a function to do this operation and get the concatenated string value.Select CountryName from Application.CountriesDeclare @val Varchar(MAX);Select @val = COALESCE(@val + ', ' + CountryName, CountryName)From Application.Countries Select @val;3. Using STRINGAGGThe STRINGAGG is a string function which will simplify the concatenation of rows. STRINGAGG is designed for this purpose.
Unfortunately it will be available in the feature release of SQL Server. This new function is available from SQL Server 2017 onwards. The syntax for using STRINGAGG is as below. Here is another idea about how you can achieve the same using recursive CTE.